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World’s 1st Identity Theft Protection Service
Protecting identity theft with revolutionary technology
Combining the Best Anti-Phishing Technology with CRA Data
Detecting identity theft from a new perspective
Proven success in preventing identity thefts
Contact Us
Stronger Authentication Cannot Solve Identity Thefts
Many companies strengthen authentication measures to prevent identity theft. However, if an attacker possesses all identity information, then any authentication measure can be bypassed.
Personal Information (Identity) Leak
Identity thefts begin by stealing personal information. Photos with private information such as of passbooks and ID cards on smart phones can be leaked through malicious apps. Other methods may exist as well.
Phone Activation and Identity Authentication Using Stolen Identity
Stolen identity details can be used to activate MVNO phones online and perform identity authentication. While there is secondary authentication, such authentication services can also be signed up using the leaked information.
Obtain Victim Account Information
Criminals can use various services from financial institutions to obtain their victim’s account information and other financial data.
Install Various Financial Applications
Various financial apps can be installed and exploited. The stolen identity can be used to register for financial services, and eventually issue bank transfers or loans. Identity authentication for those services is easily bypassed with stolen information.
Loan/Transfer Successful
Losses for Customers/Corporations
Need for Data-Driven, Technical Solutions
Current measures for preventing identity thefts only involves strengthening authentication. However, limitations of authentication have allowed countless identity theft cases to occur. There is a need for a more technical, data-driven solution to prevent identity thefts.
Combination of Industry-Leading Technology and Data
A collaboration of top anti-phishing solution FAKEFINDER and top CRA NICE Information Service.
Building a Preemptive Identity Theft Prevention System
Service Overview
Attempting Transactions in Financial Apps
Criminals attempt loans and transfers through financial apps using the stolen identity.
FakeFinder Big Data
Detecting abnormal patterns on loan-attempting smartphones through EverSpin's big data of 43 million apps
NICE Credit Information
Detecting identity theft signs by checking credit information for loans and MVNO phone history
Identifying Devices Suspected with Identity Theft
Determining suspected devices by combining FAKEFINDER big data and NICE credit data.
Preemptive Protection for Identity Thefts
Service Example
User Device App Data
Integrated Account Management
Financial SIM Management
A Bank(1)
A Bank(2)
A Bank(3)
B Bank
C Bank
D Bank
E Bank
High Ratio of Financial App Installations
2024-01-06 17:24:37
2024-01-06 17:24:55
2024-01-06 17:25:25
2024-01-06 17:26:10
2024-01-06 17:26:43
2024-01-06 17:27:06
2024-01-06 17:28:18
2024-01-08 16:47:34
2024-01-08 16:49:17
2024-01-08 16:49:44
2024-01-08 16:51:15
Sequential Financial App Installation Times
NICE CB Information Inquiry History
Inquiry Date
2023-12-21 13:35:00
2023-12-21 14:26:00
2023-12-22 10:24:00
2023-12-29 12:07:00
Inquiry Agency
A Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO)
B Mobile Virtual Network Operator(MVNO)
Signs of Using Multiple MVNOs
Suspicious new line openings to pass phone authentication
Detecting Abnormal App Patterns
Suspicious Credit Inquiry Signs
Suspected Identity Theft
Prevent Identity Thefts with iDEFENDER
Proven Performance: 13,697 Suspected Cases in 2 Months
Due to the increase in identity thefts, the financial industry integrated iDEFENDER and was able to effectively prevent such crimes. iDEFENDER detected 13,697 suspected identity theft instances for its clients in November and December 2023, proving its effectiveness.
A Completely New Approach
iDEFENDER provides preemptive protection from a completely new technological perspective. It differs significantly from existing authentication strategies. The combination of the best technology and vast data establishes iDEFENDER as Korea’s first and only identity theft protection service.
Rapid Expansion in the Industry with Robust Technology
The Leading Solution Preventing Identity Thefts
Protect using iDEFENDER, the most advanced identity theft prevention technology.